
Showing posts from March, 2018

Trigger Thumb Treatment Options

Trigger finger, characterized by locking of fingers, is a painful condition caused by repeated and forceful use of fingers. When the condition is associated with thumb, it is called Trigger Thumb. The condition arises due to inflammation of tendons in the thumb. Tendons are tough collagen fibrous tissues which keep muscles and bones connected, and are surrounded by a sheath. In trigger thumb condition, the space within sheath shrinks due to inflammation, thus locking it in a bent position.   Individuals involved in repetitive gripping actions are at a higher risk of developing this condition. It is more common among women and people having diabetes. Effective trigger thumb treatment depends upon the severity of the condition.  Also known as stenosing, tenosynovitis, trigger thumb, shows a few symptoms as described below: ·           Stiffness in thumb, particularly in the morning  ·          Finger locking in bent position ·          Clicking sensation while mov